YS Learns..

daily tinkers with software, infrastructure, coffee, running and photography

Optimising Java Docker Images

#java, #docker, #kubernetes

Containers have evolved very quickly from being an obscure technology to being confused with virtual machines to being mainstream production drivers today. Docker itself has been around for 7 years but many developers of the old world still do not understand it very much. This leads to sub-optimal implementations because people are forced to use it and take the easiest possible approach. In this post, we’ll explore how to optimise Docker images in the context of Java, using a Spring Boot example.

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Containers. Photo by Diego Fernandez on Unsplash.

Build the app

Let’s start by generating a sample app from start.spring.io. We’ll pick the following options to create a bare bones web app:

  • Maven Project
  • Spring Boot 2.2.6
  • Java 14
  • Dependencies: Spring Web

Build the project using mvn clean package and you will find a far JAR file weighing about 17 megabytes. This standalone, self-executable format was made popular by Spring Boot since it’s convenient to just deploy a single file and ignore app server dependencies. Developers hate sharing app servers for good reason.

Create a simple Dockerfile

Within the project, create the simplest Dockerfile

FROM openjdk:14-slim
COPY ./target/*.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-jar", "./app.jar" ]

Build the docker image and push it to your image registry.

docker build -t your-registry/demo .
docker push your-registry/demo

You’ll notice that it pushes 5 layers ranging from a miniscule 3 kilobytes to a much larger 336 megabytes. That first layer should have a size similar to your far JAR.

ea2b82629d91: Pushing  0kB /  17.6MB64dd9292f295: Pushing  0kB / 335.9MB
38ae49ae5249: Pushing  0kB /   3.6kB
2eaf0d58a380: Pushing  0kB /   8.8MB
c2adabaecedb: Pushing  0kB /  69.2MB

Docker layers

Docker works by caching layer data. If the registry already has an identical layer, the client skips pushing that layer. Thus, building images that reuse layers as much as possible reduces the net storage and bandwidth usage. If you don’t care about that, it also makes your pushes and pulls faster, which directly translates to app startup time in the Kubernetes world.

Why fat JARs are evil

Let’s make one tiny change to our code, maybe add a log statement, then rebuild the project and docker image again and push it.

aac3c35cde67: Pushing  0kB/ 17.6MB64dd9292f295: Layer already exists
38ae49ae5249: Layer already exists
2eaf0d58a380: Layer already exists
c2adabaecedb: Layer already exists

Hold on.. why did I have to spend time and use another 17.6 megabytes of bandwidth just for a single line of code that changed? Because fat JAR. While this number doesn’t seem very large by modern standards, it will grow as large as the number of dependencies your project requires. Imagine the cost of changing a single variable on a gigabyte-sized layer. There are people for whom this scenario needs no imagination.

Why standard base images are evil

If you do a docker images|grep demo, you’ll find the image you just built weighs a hefty 432 megabytes while your fat JAR only contributed 17. The rest of that bulk is from the openjdk:14-slim base image (slim being.. relative).

When the Java world finally moved on from Java 8, the concept of Java modules was introduced. It’s essentially an abstraction above packages so a module represents a bunch of packages. Nothing fancy. What’s interesting is the introduction of the jlink utility, which lets you generate your own JVM based on what modules you need. This removes all the unnecessary Java APIs you do not use into a truly slim build. This begs the question of “How do I know which modules I use?”, which is answered by the jdeps utility which can analyse your compiled code.

Optimal strategy

Now that we have the background sorted, let’s work out what needs to be done:

  1. Write your code and build the far JAR as usual
  2. Use jdeps to analyse what modules your app requires
  3. Build a two-stage Dockerfile
  4. In Stage 1:
    • Use the standard JDK base image
    • Run jlink to build an optimised JVM
    • Unpack the far JAR
    • Organise the unpacked artifacts between dependencies and app code
  5. In Stage 2:
    • Use a tiny base image
    • Move the optimised JVM over
    • Move the unpacked dependencies over
    • Move the app code over
    • Launch your main class using the optimised JVM

In practice: module dependency analysis

After building your fat JAR, unpack it and run jdeps on recursive mode against the dependencies and the JAR itself. Some dependencies like log4j-api are multi-release so you might need to specify a release number based on your JDK. We’re using 14 here.

$ mkdir analysis && cd $_
$ cp ../target/*.jar x.jar && jar -xf x.jar
$ jdeps -s --multi-release=14 --recursive -cp BOOT-INF/lib/* x.jar

classmate-1.5.1.jar -> java.base
com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation -> java.base
com.fasterxml.jackson.core -> java.base
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind -> com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation

This gives you a giant map of which dependency needs which module, which are granular details we’re not interested in. What we need is a comma-separated list of module names to feed our jlink command later. The --print-module-deps argument does that. We will also ignore split package warnings by greping them out.

$ jdeps --ignore-missing-deps --print-module-deps --multi-release=14 --recursive -cp BOOT-INF/lib/* x.jar|grep -v Warning:


Much better. We’ll save that list for later.

In practice: multi-stage Docker build

Using the same JDK base image for stage 1, we run jlink, feeding in the modules list from the previous step and specifying an output directory in /jvm. We then move the fat JAR over, unpack it and create a /app directory to group metadata and app code (META-INF and BOOT-INF/classes). Dependencies remain in BOOT-INF/lib.

In stage 2, we use a tiny base image debian:stretch-slim and use 3 COPY statements to divide these parts into separate layers: the JVM, the dependencies and the app code. We then launch the app using the JVM, including the dependencies in the classpath.

FROM openjdk:14-slim
RUN jlink --output /jvm --no-header-files --no-man-pages --compress=2 \
--strip-debug --add-modules java.base,java.desktop,jdk8internals,\
WORKDIR /build
COPY ./target/*.jar app.jar
RUN jar -xf app.jar
RUN mkdir /app && cp -r META-INF /app && cp -r BOOT-INF/classes/* /app

FROM debian:stretch-slim
COPY --from=0 /jvm /jvm
COPY --from=0 /build/BOOT-INF/lib /lib
COPY --from=0 /app .
ENTRYPOINT [ "/jvm/bin/java", "-cp", ".:/lib/*", "com.example.demo.DemoApplication" ]

At this point, you might encounter some failures running docker build due to the jlink command. There are two common things that can happen. First is that jdeps doesn’t give you a definitive set of modules so you might see a not found error like the one below. Simply remove the offending module from the --add-modules list.

Error: Module jdk8internals not found

Second thing that can happen is if you picked a stage 1 image that doesn’t have objcopy installed. To fix, simply swap out the --strip-debug argument for the alternative --strip-java-debug-attributes instead.

Error: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "objcopy": error=2, No such file or directory

What has changed?

In the change a variable test, only 12 kilobytes needed to move. That’s like a 99% reduction in bandwidth and a negligible amount of time needed to push the image.

7c76a9957d46: Pushing  0kB / 12.29kBcfa161abfacf: Pushing  0kB / 17.51MB
27eda33d0eae: Pushing  0kB / 50.26MB
cde96efde55e: Pushing  0kB / 55.32MB
e7c728ed739b: Pushing  0kB / 12.29kBcfa161abfacf: Layer already exists
27eda33d0eae: Layer already exists
cde96efde55e: Layer already exists

As a whole, it was a 71% reduction in total image size as a baseline

$ docker images|grep demo
registry/demo  before  a90ae7133e69  2 hours ago    432MB
registry/demo  after   5165c278494d  2 minutes ago  123MB

Way, way faster.

ARM builds

Since I have vested interest in running this in my Pi cluster, I’ve spent some time looking for compatible base images as well. This is where it gets confusing as there are multiple architecture names that will run on the pi but it will refuse to pull any images not marked for linux/arm. I’ve also found that even though I’m running the 64-bit kernel, images using the linux/arm64 arch will not run. So I’ve scoped compatible images down to those using arm/v7 and adoptopenjdk seems to have pretty good base images for stage 1 while arm32v7’s debian images work as a good stage 2 base.

FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk14:armv7l-debian-jdk-14.0.1_7

FROM arm32v7/debian:stretch-slim


As you’ve noticed,jdeps is not fool-proof. I’ve experienced a couple of scenarios where the build process succeeds, only to fail at runtime due to a missing module. Hence, you will need to test your app end-to-end to ensure that your optimised image is complete. These are some common modules to add if your app does the following:

  • jdk.crypto.ec: If your app calls third-party REST APIs (that might use elliptic curve cryptography in their TLS certificates)
  • jdk.naming.dns: If your app connects to mongodb using mongodb+srv://

The future..

is hard to tell. Container technology moves so fast that this technique might become obsolete pretty quickly. The dream is that it’s something that happens automagically in a stable form. Did I miss out on any tips? Do drop me an @mention or DM.

Yong Sheng Tan

Written by Yong Sheng Tan from sunny Singapore

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