YS Learns..

daily tinkers with software, infrastructure, coffee, running and photography

Building a Raspberry Pi Kubernetes Cluster

#k8s, #kubernetes, #raspberry-pi

One of my experiments from late last year involved buying a bunch of Raspberry Pi’s and seeing how difficult it would be for me to set up a Kubernetes cluster. The goal would be having a hosting platform for all sorts of cool microservices (that i have yet to build, still). This…

Git Cheats

#git, #cheatsheet

This post is meant to sum up the most useful things I have learnt about the command line from many years of adventures in the source control world. I will probably update this page as and when I learn any new tricks. Git 101 Simplest primer if you’ve never used git before. Git…

Using Dates in Gatsby

#gatsby, #date, #git

With Pi Day having just past last week, we’re here to talk about dates in Gatsby. There are a couple of ways you can date your posts in Gatsby. We’ll discuss the easiest method and two others that are more dynamic to deliver a more “wordpress” feel to managing a blogging…

Syntax Highlighting in Gatsby

#gatsby, #syntax-highlighting, #prismjs

You might have noticed a fair amount of code samples presented with syntax highlighting used in the previous post on adding #hashtagging. This is achieved using the library, provided as part of the plugin that is shipped together with the starter. Marking code for syntax…

Adding #hashtagging to Gatsby

#gatsby, #react, #hashtag

Following the previous post on bootstrapping a bare basics Gatsby blog, let’s explore adding hashtag functionality to make it feel less static. You can add any metadata you like to the markdown header bits of your posts and query them later using GraphQL to create a sense of data…

Yong Sheng Tan

Written by Yong Sheng Tan from sunny Singapore

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All thoughts, opinions, code and other media are expressed here in a personal capacity and do not represent any other entities or persons